


Well, xxxHOLic vols 1-18 are up. Volume 19 will come along towards the end of February when it's released.

I stumbled upon scans for The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi vol. 7, so now I'm only, like, 4 volumes behind. I've been thinking about doing Haruhi-chan, too, but I just can't decide. I kind of hate parodies...

Naruto vol 54 is also up! Volume 55 comes out in March, so I should have it soon after. I've also managed to secure copies of volumes 26 & 47, so once I get them Naruto will be caught up.

And I'm finally working on Mushi-shi. The pictures are up, but I'm still downloading everything. Uploading may start as early as tomorrow, though, depending on how much time I spend on the Haruhi fanbook. The covers for this series are really beautiful. I think they're my favorite...

Speaking of covers, the 'Other Manga' and 'Light Novels' pages are getting pretty filled up. I'm either gonna have to make 'Other Manga 2' and 'Light Novels 2' pages (lame) or implement a new system. I really don't want to use posts, though... If only blogger would let me have unlimited page numbers.

Ja, mata ne~


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