


I was browsing the site today, checking for quirks and whatnot (really, I just wanted to look at all the covers...) and noticed something. That's why I have to inform you all of this very important task you must do. Ready?

Turn Down Your Screen Brightness.

Yes, it is vital that you do that. I have mine turned down so I can catch gray spots on manga pages, so it never really occurred to me that before I started doing this, I had my screen brightness up all the way and never thought twice about it. There are two very important reasons why you should do this. 1) It hurts your eyes :p..... okay, I thought of that on a whim. The real reason: my site is ruined when you have your brightness turned up. The blue I use for the links is really bright, it hurts. Plus, you can't see the gray boxes around each cover, or the gray highlight I use on the index page for series (plural?) that are complete. Sure, I guess I could change them, but those are the shades that looked best to me...


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