

Mushi Master

Mushishi is done! All 10 volumes are formatted and uploaded, ready for you to download and read. So many thanks go out to senfgurke2. Once again, I really recommend this series. And the covers are, by far, the greatest I've seen (although you have to look at the entire slip cover to see it). Take a quick look at this one [here] pretty :3

I also got a lot of work done on the Haruhi Fanbook today. I know you're tired of hearing about it, but it's almost done, I promise. Just two sections left, although one will involve some intense editing and redrawing...

My xxxHOLiC: ANOTHERHOLiC light novel should come in the mail tomorrow. Although I have some other, non-manga related stuff to do, I'm gonna jump on that as quick as I can. I'm having trouble with the Seol=Larg book, though. I can't find a raw copy anywhere.

I redid the index page again. I think it looks cooler this way, plus it explains a bit more, but I also think I made it more confusing... Let me know if it's still hard to read and I'll come up with another idea.

Ja, mata ne~


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