

February at Last :3

I've been waiting for February to come around. A lot of exciting things are gonna happen this month.
  1. Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released yesterday ^_^ Although.....I don't have a PS3.....
  2. Black Rock Shooter the anime is gonna start this month!
  3. There are a bunch of manga releases this month. Some of which I've been waiting on for a while. Some are gonna help me finish up a series, too!
  4. I'm gonna be working on a new manga project this month, too. Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunsou)! It won't be like the rest of them. I'm gonna take it slowly because I've got to crop all of the pages for all 21 volumes..... -_-. It'll be side work for when I'm bored!
Ahh, February is gonna be good. I can just feel it.
Oh, and just to annoy some more people, I've only got 30 pages of the Fanbook left to edit! I'm hoping to finish up today, but, well, we'll see.

Ja ne~


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