

All done!

I finished implementing the html changes on all pages now. *waits for applause to die down*. But this doesn't mean that change is over. Improvements will continue to be made in the name of justice for many years to come!....Okay, I'm tired of trying to make this sound like an epic speech. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the changes. This makes it easier for me to add different sections to different series (like light novels for Pandora Hearts) and whatnot. The release dates might not always be right and up-to-date (on the individual pages and the index), but they're usually pretty close.
I was thinking of removing that information from the Index page and just having the titles there. Let me know if you're for or against that idea.
Well, this isn't all that important, and you probably don't really care. So, I'll get back to working on the next series I'm doing :)
Ja ne~


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