

Happy New Years!

The second New Years I've had my site for :3 Since New Years is the greatest 'holiday' all year, that's when I save up all of my projects and releases for one big explosion of downloads!

This year, I've got a bunch more stuff done and a lot more plans.

BUT first, there's a big announcement!


Yup, you heard that. I'll still be using this blog for update posts, since it's fed directly to the site, but I'm moving all of the downloads to an actual website. The html and page settings are just too complicated on blogger and I don't like dealing with it, hehe.

I've got a lot of manga updates and light novels that I want to add, but I won't have fast internet for another week, so it'll be until then that I upload and announce what I've added.

I really hope you like the new site and that it works better. I definitely think it's a step up (I'm still improving/building it, though) and I hope to make it even better!

SO, for now, please check out the new site and hang on just a little bit longer for all of my uploads! I'm planning on hitting light novels with full steam in a few weeks (once I've finally gotten Office), so be ready to read!

As always, I appreciate anyone and everyone who still comes to this dead blog. I'm working hard to get translations and scans and I won't stop! Everyone, let's work hard to have a productive 2013.

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to more great things from you~!! Thanks so much for all your hard work and Happy New Year to you too!! \(^o^)/

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